To contribute to a global community where diversity is celebrated in the pursuit of creating an abundant and prosperous world.



Stop by for a kōrero
130 Queen Street, Wairoa, New Zealand, 4108

Our Hours
Mon - Fri: 9.00 - 16:00



This Land Aotearoa
Ko Aotearoa te whenua nei

By Kiwa Hammond

Getting Ready for the Visitors
By Kiwa Hammond

illustrated by Adele Jackson

Ngā Atua Māori Gods
By Robyn Kahukiwa

Translated by Kiwa Hammond

Rangahau & Research


Edwards, H., Kupenga-Keefe, W. (2022). Te Au Hangarau: The Wave of Technology. Tāmaki Makaurau. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, Spark Foundation, Te Matarau.

The report can be requested here.

Edwards, H., Edwards, P., McAuliffe-Bickerton, C., Te Kāhui Raraunga. (2021). Tawhiti Nuku: Māori Data Governance Co-design Outcomes Report. Rotorua: Te Kāhui Raraunga.

Read the report here.

Hammond, K. & AATEA Solutions Ltd. (2021) Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement Evaluation. Evaluation Report. Wellington. Ministry of Education.

Read the report here.